We bring people together to give hope for those on need and work to reach everybody expectations of a better and brighter future through engineering.
By 2028 we will reach international collaboration with the non-political scientific, engineering, educational communities, NGOs, activists to tackle the world’s main challenges through engineering projects and the youngster’s empowerment of STEM education.
Our Strategy
Raise awareness
Effectively and efficiently communicating our efforts, programs and activities to those whom we share common values and generate collaboration. Excellence, Quality & Innovation, Engage.
Generating trust
Being transparent, accountable, collaborative and proactive to engage people around our projects, initiatives.
Education focus centered
Continuous Improvement.
Collaboration & cooperation centered
They key factor for success relies on teaming up to generate synergies. We base our philosophy on generating value leveraging collaborations.
Supporting Partners
STEM Education: Free 3D-Printing Classes
We incentive youngsters to pursue free technical introduction classes as a way to dissuade them from joining drug cartels.
Solving Climate Change requires putting together all human capabilities and technological capacities together. With this in mind a Technology for Lowering Air Land & Oceans Carbon Dioxide surges as a potential solution.
Inspiring People
With a focus on young women, we acknowledge the need among youngsters to find inspirational aspirational leader models. We prepare photo-campaigns to inspire younger generations.